FIFA 16: 1. Instant Mode

EA Sports
Yes, yes and one thousand times yes.
People who play FIFA by the hour trying to squeeze in one more match before 3am is a race against time. You think you’ve been paired up with someone who shares your need for speed – only to find it’s some clown who wants to salivate over every cutscene while trolling their last opponent.
On behalf of anyone who has ever picked up a pad for a game of FIFA… Give us an instant mode.
There’s a reason why nobody talks positively about those sweeping stadium shots, spirited team handshakes before kick-off and referee closeups. NOBODY CARES. They look great and the effort it must take to render them is commendable but seriously, players want to skip through them as quickly as possible and get straight to the good stuff.

Forums are filled with messages from fans pleading for an instant mode be it in speeding up the foreplay before kick-off, cutting down on the pre-amble as the game loads or doing away with the pre-game training altogether because anybody who pays £50 to kick a ball into a bucket wants their head testing.
Die-hard FIFA fans are amongst the longest-suffering gamers in the world. They’ve religiously forked out for a new version of the same thing year after year without question and fully deserve to be rewarded with an option to do away with tedium. Actually, don’t make it optional. Cut straight to the chase.
An instant mode would drastically improve the whole FIFA experience making it better, faster and stronger by providing a much-needed makeover to what is now a tried (or tired) and tested formula.
EA Sports, break the mould with FIFA 16 so those who adore you can stop wondering what might be and start enjoying what is. You won’t regret it.

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