The now resigned previous WWE Divas Champion began beefing up at the youthful age of 18. Regardless of not having a nutritionist or a mentor, Kaitlyn (otherwise called Celeste Beryl Braun) figured out how to complete 10th out of 20 females in her first rivalry, very amazing for a 18 year old. One short year later, she would contend in the same rivalry and win it.
10 WWE Stars Who Started As Bodybuilders 8. Kaitlyn
The now resigned previous WWE Divas Champion began beefing up at the youthful age of 18. Regardless of not having a nutritionist or a mentor, Kaitlyn (otherwise called Celeste Beryl Braun) figured out how to complete 10th out of 20 females in her first rivalry, very amazing for a 18 year old. One short year later, she would contend in the same rivalry and win it.