10 WCW Stars Who Died Too Young 7. The Ultimate Solution (1957 - 1997)

With biceps as wide as most people's chests, and a chest as wide as...well...a very wide thing indeed, the 405lb Robert 'Jeep' Swenson was a formidable presence. It was this menacing, impressive physical stature alone which made him a perfect fit for the bizarre world of professional wrestling. 
Swenson first competed in the ring in Texas' WCCW promotion opposite the similarly scary Bruiser Brody, before returning to the squared circle as the perfect foil for Hulk Hogan at Uncensored '96.
WCW, apparently oblivious to the Holocaust, initially named Swenson 'the Final Solution', before pressure from Jewish organisations forced a rethink on the ill-advised name. Rebranded 'the Ultimate Solution', Swenson joined the ranks of 'the Alliance to end Hulkamania' alongside Tiny 'Zeus' Lister, The Four Horsemen, and the Dungeon of Doom, as the dastardly faction squared off against Hogan and Savage in Uncensored's utterly disastrous Doomsday Cage match.
