No, that is not Hulk Hogan hanging out ringside at Raw. In spite of the fact that he's got the same very much tanned appearance as The Hulkster, and a liking for hallucinogenic prints, "Tye Dye Guy" is, maybe, a standout amongst the most conspicuous wrestling fans ever. A local Floridian, "Tye Dye Guy" can be seen in the group at incalculable ECW and WWE shows as the years progressed. Emerging from the masses in his trademark red-and-yellow tye color shirt, shades and a handkerchief that keeps his mullet shielded from the components. Furthermore, however he's been coming to wrestling shows for a considerable length of time, "Tye Dye Guy" is pretty much as eager to be a piece of the group as constantly, hopping out of his seat to cheer and serenade with the WWE Universe. That is a genuine fan. — BOBBY MELok